Self Righteous I Rise


Self righteous I rise to meet my fall.

I point to the failures of others
failing to own mine own
mining my soul instead for some thing
separating me from you.

Self righteous I rise to meet my fall.

I call out others’ blindness
holes never seeing
whole never feeling
holiness never taking hold of me.

Self righteous I rise to meet my fall.

I push those who fail to walk the line
ignoring the evil lining
right inside my heart
incapable of right from wrong.

Self righteous I rise to meet my fall.

I am the Pharisee meeting Publican.
Rich Man meeting Lazarus.
Pro meeting Beginner.
I am the Saint meeting Sinner.

I am my enemy
failing to see him in me
myself in her
knowing our blood knows
no color
no creed
no nationality.

I am some of all, and none of some,
but I am not the sum of all
that has been done.

Because I fall
I will not rise
self righteous
this time.

Because I fall,
I am being

Because I fall,
I am becoming.

Everyday I fall I am replaced.
Never quite returning to who I was
never quite reaching who I want to be
never quiet about who is saving me;
about who is saving us.

Self righteous I rise to meet my fall.

Hillbillies, Saints, and the Problem with New Year’s Resolutions

“I don’t believe in epiphanies. I don’t believe in transformative moments,
as transformation is harder than a moment.”
JD Vance, Hillbilly Elegy
“There is no such thing as not worshipping.
Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.”
David Foster Wallace
“New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies:
They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain.”


I hate making resolutions.

Yet, for the longest time, I made them anyway.  I bet like you, I resolved to get organized, be more financially responsible, get fit, and other things I’ve tried to forget.  I made them year after year, and year after year I mostly failed at them! Continue reading

A Love Song // Soundtrack Part 2

This is part of a series where I hope to join two of my life long loves together: the music I listen to, and the Scriptures I read – in a series I’m calling Soundtrack. Why? Well, because each piece will explore the music that has often marked the various chapters in my life with the soundtrack of Scripture, the Psalms.
You can read Part 1 in the series HERE.


In 1956, a young man, who tried to make a career out of recording gospel music with Sam Phillips, was put on tour with a then 20 year old and very charismatic Elvis Presley.

He was only 23 himself and newly married, but following Elvis around on tour introduced him to a whole lot of girls who wanted to follow Elvis and anyone else who resembled a Rock and Roll star.

In an interview he later recounts the incredible temptation he faced every night – Continue reading

A Song for Our Enemies // Soundtrack Part 1

I love music.
I’ve played it in symphonic as well as rock bands. I’ve listened to it (currently on one of my SEVEN turntables). I’ve collected it from cassettes and CDs, to mp3s and now back to vinyl – I missed 8 tracks all together I suppose.  I’ve witnessed it both in the recording process and in numerous live shows.  I’ve been moved by it to run faster, cry harder, and laugh louder.
Perhaps I love music so much because
“Music often expresses what the soul cannot speak.”
So, over the next few weeks I hope to join two of my life long loves together: the music I listen to, and the Scriptures I read – in a series I’m calling Soundtrack, because each piece will explore the music that has often marked the various chapters in my life with the soundtrack of Scripture, the Psalms.
Below is part 1 of this installment – Enjoy!

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